From 2007 – 2008, a member of Jackson Group conducted Phase I and Phase II cultural resource testing along portions of the Rockies Express Pipeline from Ohio into Indiana. The purpose of this project was to comply with NEPA, FERC, and NHRP regulations. Fieldwork identified sites of cultural importance and help to develop a feasible plan that would allow the project to continue in a timely manner. In the occasions where areas of a great amount of cultural importance were encontered, steps were taken to work with the client to reduce the amount of impact while continuing with the project as planned. In some cases this resulted in a shifting of the pipeline. In cases where avoidance of the areas of cultural importance was unavoidable, further testing and recordation occurred to recover as much data as possible before impact. Where appropriate monitoring of soil stripping occurred to identify potential sites not identified during previous study, or where soil depth prevented adequate initial testing. Site eligibility was determined utilizing the State Historical Preservation Office (SHPO) guidelines of Ohio and Indiana as well as the National Register guidelines. All work was conducted by a qualified archaeologist who met or exceeded the Secretary of the Interior’s standards and guidelines for professional archaeologists.
Due to the expansive nature of the project geographically, crossing various topographiczones, dozens of sites ranging from definitive Clovis period to mid 20th century were encountered and recorded. Notable sites included the aforementioned Clovis site, a mid-archaic villiage site and an early 19th century industrial brick kiln. Areas that maintained a high potential for buried deposits especialy along the floodplains of the White River were deep tested uzing standard bucket augers.